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Connect-Flex TPE-tubing lasmachine

The completely new Connect-Flex welder is the only device on the market that can weld TPE hoses with an external diameter from 0.375” to 0.750” without having to replace the holders.

The Connect-Flex runs on 110 or 230 volts and uses filtered air. The welder weighs just 11 kg (25 lbs) and is easy to lift and move. The unit can be loaded easily and an LCD panel leads you through the loading, welding and release segments of the cycle. The welder is operated with just two operating buttons. The weld cycle time is 3 minutes. An emergency stop button is built in for safety purposes. Single-use stainless steel blades are also supplied and can always be adjusted.

Characteristics / advantages of Connect-Flex® TPE tubing welder:

  • A set of holders to weld all sizes
  • Weld hoses, wet or dry
  • Easy to validate
  • Weld seams with smooth inner wall
  • Cycle time of 3 minutes

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Connect-Flex TPE-tubing lasmachine